As we often say, “trying to save a little, often costs a lot.” We have a lot of experience measuring the scope of what needs to be done and will not lie to you just to land the job.

1: Boxes
use them, and use uniform sizes in either new cardboard or reusable bins!
Someone calls us and says “I have a 1 bedroom apartment, there isn’t all that much stuff so it will take 2 hours tops!”
- Our movers are great people who work hard and we promise them 4+ hours of work a day or we give them the day off.
- Garbage bags cannot be stacked in an elevator or on moving dollies and wheeled long distances to the truck. This takes significantly longer to transport.
- Used boxes crumble under the weight of other boxes AND, if they are 10 different sizes they will stack poorly and need to be transported back and forth in more trips taking more time
- She failed to mention that her building does not have an elevator, it has a 3 story staircase from her apartment that only comes down the building on the opposite side of where we were able to park the truck.
This job took 5 hours.
A non profit calls and says “we just have 2 storage lockers and all they have is boxes. It will take 2 hours maximum it will be easy!”
- The storage lockers were 1000 cubic feet (X2 – 2000 cubic feet)
- The boxes were in fact, large plastic bins filled with hygienic products such as soap and and conditioner. Imagine carrying the equivalent of 2-300 medium size fishtanks weighing 30-90 pounds. The content of your cargo is important even if its “just boxes”
- ~15000 pounds of cargo was moved from one storage facility to another locally.
This job took 8 hours.
2: Pack boxes properly
Don’t pack them at all and take advantage of using our white glove service to pack for you!
If you choose to pack yourself, remember 2 things:
- Heavy items in small boxes
- Light items in large boxes
3: You will need tape, packing paper, and time.
At a minimum
Supplies are cheap, running out of supplies is expensive. Order supplies from us <here> or, We are more than happy to acquire everything you will need to move your home and deliver during your free in home estimate!
4: Separate fragile items.
Movers pack their trucks in layers, we need to know which boxes are fragile so they can be placed in the truck properly.
5: Label your boxes
You want to see these guys work! Don’t do yourself the disservice of being a bottleneck in the process opening every box and deliberating where it needs to go.
- Label boxes with numbers (1-2-3 etc)
- Label the door ways of your new home with numbers (1-2-3 etc)
- Watch your movers run each box with a number on it to the exact room it needs to go without any direction beyond the numbering system!
6: Complete your packing before moving day!
We offer packing services in our white glove service options if you need help doing this.
7: Put important items on the truck last
Don’t search for toiletries and food items on the offload of your move. Tell us which boxes need to be unloaded first so that we can load them in the correct order.
8: Elevators, parking spaces, strata rules
We want to work hard, finish your job, and go home. If we have to park 2 blocks away from your home to unload the truck it will take hours away from our families and personal obligations. Please sort out these elements of your move in great detail as they are variables beyond our control.
9: Clear off all surfaces
Our movers wrap all linen and hard surfaces with professional grade moving pads so that they are not scuffed or damaged inside the truck or traversing doorways/ staircases. This is easier if we are not caught clearing space.
10: Dismantle furniture
Dismantling ikea beds is one of the #1 ways to save our movers time before they enter your home! What else can you take apart to help us move faster?
11: Things no one thinks about unless they are a real pro mover
- Have you been physically threatened by a teenager in a U-Haul because he decided your move was taking too long and he thinks he has a right to your metered parking? We have, and we are used to it.
- Do you have a lock for the back of your truck when it is un-attended? A cheap lock won’t work, people break them with crowbars in an instant.
- Do you know your rights if building management or someone claiming to be an authority figure asks you questions about your move or threatens to have you towed? We do, and we will forward their contact information to you should you wish to speak to them. We do not share your information with anyone regarding where you live, where you are moving, or who you are. We are also friends with large tow truck operators, they like us a lot more than your building concierge and it’s a small world.
Apartment access
- Typically moving from 1 apartment to another apartment (same problems on both ends)
- Shortages of parking at each location (especially in Vancouver) requiring a long carry to the truck boosting the cost significantly if not planned with the city in advance.
- Predatory building management practices such as 2 hour elevator bookings that have a 2-300$ fine attached to time overages on top of a 2-300$ move in or out fee. We will generally send more guys to do these jobs faster.
- Low ceilings not designed to accommodate full size couches or ikea furniture in 1 piece. They may have fit out of your first apartment building… but they might cause delay and cost you a fine at your next building if not fully dismantled.
House estimates
- Often times Vancouver homes are heritage buildings or again located in congested areas with no parking. This is especially true of Kitsilano.
- Not all houses are the same. A 3 bedroom home in surrey could be 4000 square feet and a 4 bedroom house in fairview (Vancouver) could be 2700 square feet…. The Vancouver house will almost still always cost more to move because its never as simple as rural surrey and general quotes mean nothing. Make sure someone has a look in person at your home if it is greater than 2 bedrooms!

Don’t stress, with our professional team your move will be smooth and streamlined.